You’re nothing. Insignificant cosmically. And the sooner you understand this the healthier you’ll be. Psychically. Herein are subjects that you should review – humility, your role in the cosmic garbage disposal and how to self-analyze through talk therapy and thought experiments. It’s a rather simple concept and one I commend to you. Take heart. It’s all perspective. And, like incest, it’s all relative. You’re welcome.
- About Lionel
- Rants & Commentary
- 1789
- 2016
- 9/11
- aclu
- africa
- Alex Jones
- All Writs Act
- Allan Park
- Allen
- Ammon
- Andrea Constand
- Andrew Colborn
- Area 51
- arrests
- Assad
- autopsy
- backdoor
- barack obama
- battery
- Benadryl
- Bernie Sanders
- Bilal
- Bill Clinton
- birth certificate making a murderer
- birther
- black
- Black Lives Matter
- bleach
- blood
- bloodied
- bohemia
- Bohemia Grove
- bombing
- bones
- break
- Brendan Dash
- Brentwood
- Bruce Castor
- bullet
- Bundy
- burn pit
- burned Netflix
- Calumet County Sheriff's Department
- Carl Paladino Antonin Scalia
- cat
- chain of custody Bill Cosby
- Change
- Cheltenham Township
- Chris Christie
- citizen
- Clinton
- composite
- Conscription
- Conspiracy
- conspiracy theory
- Constitution
- controlled demolition
- convention
- coroner
- Corruption
- court order
- coverage Apple
- crime
- criminal
- Cumhuriyet
- Daesh
- Dan Kucharski
- Dean Strang
- death
- delegates
- Denis Vogel
- deposition
- disclosure
- District Attorney
- doc
- documentary
- Donald Trump
- double jeopardy
- drones
- drugs
- Dundar
- Dwight
- Dylan Dassey
- election
- Encryption
- Erdogan
- Evidence
- ex-boyfriend
- extraterrestrial
- fire
- flying saucers
- foul play
- fragment
- framed
- Frank Underwood
- Fraud
- Fred Hazelwood
- FU2016
- FX
- gay
- Gene Kusche
- George Wagner
- Gloria Allred
- Gorgeous George
- Gregory Allen
- guilt
- Gul
- Gun Grab
- guns
- Hammond
- head
- Hezbollah
- Hillary Clinton
- Hollande
- House of Cards
- hoverboard
- Huma
- hunting
- Illuminati
- Illuminati Brussels
- indecent
- indictment
- inside job
- International Order of St. Hubertus
- iPhone
- iran
- Iraq
- Is
- isis
- James Lenk
- Jerome Buting
- Jerry Pagel
- jet fuel
- Jill Shively
- Jodi Stachowski
- Johnny Cochran
- Jon Podesta
- Journalists
- Judy Dvorak
- Kansas
- Ken Kratz
- Kenneth Peterson
- Kenya
- key
- knife
- latch
- Laura Ricciardi
- Lavrov
- lawsuit
- Len Kachinsky
- lesbian
- Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
- Manitowoc County
- Marc LeBeau
- Marcia Clarke
- marriage
- Masher
- media
- melted
- melting points
- Merkel
- militia
- Mitt Romney
- Moira Demos
- Moira Demos Hillary Clinton
- Moira Demos Making a Murderer
- Montgomery County
- Murder
- National security
- natural born
- Netflix
- New Hampshire
- New York
- Nino
- Nixon
- O.J. Simpson
- oath keepers
- Obama
- oil
- open
- oregon
- Palymra
- Pardon
- Peggy Lautenschalger
- Pennsylvania
- Penny Ann Beernsten
- petition
- Petraeus
- pillow
- planted
- Police
- President
- primary
- Prosecutor
- Protest
- Putin
- quaaludes
- race
- Racism
- racist
- radials
- rape
- Recep
- residency
- rivets
- Robert Hermann
- Robert Kardashian
- Rockingham
- roommate
- Roswell
- Russia
- Ryan
- Ryan Hillegas
- San Bernardino
- Scott Bloedorn
- Scott Walker
- search
- Season Four
- secodn amendment
- Secret
- Sedatives
- server
- settlement
- setup
- sex
- sexual. battery
- Sherry Culhane
- Shooting
- signatures
- silent scream
- southern strategy
- speech
- spying
- standoff
- Stanton Friedman
- steel
- steel belted radials
- Steve Avery
- steven
- Steven avery
- Strom Thurmond
- Super Tuesday
- superdelegates
- suspicious
- Tayyip
- Tea Party
- Ted Cruz
- Teresa Halbach
- terror
- terrorism
- terrorist
- Terry
- Texas
- The People v. OJ an American Crime Story
- tires
- Tom Fassbender
- Tom Kocourek
- treason
- trial
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- UN
- unconscious
- votes
- white
- Wisconsin
- World Trade Center