
Wait…are they REALLY going to do a UFO psy-op?

Kit Knightly Late last week it was widely reported that the United States government had recovered an intact alien spacecraft from a crash site. The supposed revelation comes from one David Grusch, a “former” military intelligence agent, who turned “whistleblower” and told the press that this supposed craft “distorted time and space”, was “bigger on …

UFO / Alien Disclosure & “Crashed Physical Evidence” Plus UAP Clips – Jay Dyer

It’s back as we predicted – the pentagon is hyped up about aliens and UFOs and the recent claims of crashed craft, recycling the old Roswell myth. Area 51 and the underground base claims are also resurfacing, but what it is really behind alien disclosure? Is it a massive deception? Live at 4 PM CST […]

Invoking the Beyond: The UFO Deception – Collins Bros. / Jay Dyer

 The Collins Bros join me to discuss their 7 years of research placed into the new text – Invoking the Beyond. Their research connects Darwin, the new age, panspermia, the esoteric, intelligence agencies, deception and the new man. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and […]

Storm Area 51 MEMES & MOVIES! Jay Dyer

In this video I cover the fact that probably most rationally certainly we were seeded here by alien overlords. I then look at the best Area 51 memes and the problems of methane from cows according to Gary Busey, and then move to cover 5 alien UFO films from different decades. The Day the the Earth Stood Still, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Arrival with Chuck Sheen, Indedendence Day, Paul and Childhood’s End a bit. Mind = blowed.


Are aliens real? What are UFOs? Do they relate to Darwinism? What about the new age movement? What about MKAYultra? I think these all relate and the news has exploded recently with reports of the military “admitting” the presence of UFOs. Is this something new, or is this a regurgitated psy op? What about Hollywood and its endless promotion of the alien agenda? For the full talk be sure to subscribe to JaysAnalysis at the website for access to the archives.