
The Longer it Takes the West to Accept that Ukraine is Losing, the Worse Things Will Get for Ukraine

It's becoming clear to everyone except our rulers that Ukraine is losing and can now never win if winning means expelling all Russian troops, says David Craig. The longer it goes on, the worse it gets for Ukraine.
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La CIA en Ukraine : pourquoi n’est-ce pas considéré comme une provocation ?

Un nouveau rapport explosif du New York Times montre comment Washington a inutilement alimenté les pires craintes de la Russie et précipité l’invasion, justifiée ou non. Source : Responsible Statecraft, Mark EpiskoposTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Le message de la Maison Blanche sur la guerre en Ukraine s’articule autour de deux adjectifs simples […]

Sweden closing Nordsteam investigation a shocking coverup -investigator

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal interviews Swedish engineer Erik Andersson, who led the first independent investigation to the site of the Nordstream pipelines blast sites, on the Swedish government’s sudden closing of the investigation into the terror attack on the eve of joining NATO. Andersson also addresses US meddling in Swedish politics, and the potential consequences of Stockholm surrendering its traditional neutrality to the anti-Russian alliance.

Failed ICJ Case Against Russia Backfires, Paves Way for Genocide Charges Against Ukraine

An esteemed UN court has issued little-noticed but hugely significant rulings in cases brought by Kiev and its Western sponsors against the Kremlin. The judgments raise grave questions about Kiev’s military campaign in the Donbas, whether it was attempting genocide during its eight-year-long war against the population, and if the West planned to exploit the brutal repression to provoke war with Moscow.