
N.Y. Post: Biden’s Big Brother teams are now watching what you BUY — hope you pay in cash

New York Post, January 20, 2024 Biden’s Big Brother teams are now watching what you BUY — hope you pay in cash by James Bovard Americans are familiar with the Miranda warning, notifying arrestees that anything they say can be used against them. But the Biden administration secretly created a new tripwire: Anything you purchase […]

YouTube’s Connections to Pro-Israel Lobby Behind Removal of Lowkey’s Infamous Song: ‘Terrorist’

"It seems Israel's latest war on Gaza has been seen as an opportunity to clean up political content on the internet and reassert informational dominance. Ultimately, it will not work. As book burners of the past found, when you suppress an idea, you discredit your own arguments against it." -- Lowkey

Whooping Up FBI’s Latest Mischief with Gardner Goldsmith on the David Knight Show

My old friend Gardner Goldsmith and I had fun recapping the FBI’s latest mischief on the David Knight Radio Show. We also talked about Thomas Macaulay and his forgotten lessons for freedom. 25 minutes at — INTERVIEW James Bovard: FBI Expands "Terrorist" Definition, Targets Trump Supporters In the process of expanding the FBI's reach against […]

So saith Twitter: Taliban – Yes, Trump – NO? [Video]

When the Taliban announced their arrival in the Afghan Presidential offices via Twitter this post, I honestly missed the significance of the moment, and was humourously dismissive of it: Ali Hashem علي هاشم on Twitter: “مقاتلون من طالبان خلف طاولة مكتب الرئيس الافغاني الهارب اشرف غني. حركة طالبان تعود إلى كابل لتحكم افغانستان للمرة الثانية […]

Terrorister ser mainstream-media som viralt PR-verktyg

50 döda och 50 skadade efter högerextrem terrorattack i Nya Zeeland. De attackerade två moskéer med automatvapen och slaktade folkmassan hänsynslöst.Svårt att föreställa sig den skräcken, men även vad offrens nära och kära måste känna just nu. Fruktansvärt. Tragedin förlängs dessutom när vissa medier i handling gör exakt vad terroristerna vill. En av gärningsmännen skrev ett manifest.

Donald Trump’s Mythical Terrorist Tide from Mexico

President Donald Trump and his officials persist in promoting the discredited notion that terror suspects are pouring into the U.S. from Mexico by the thousands.
Despite their portrayal of Mexico as a teeming portal for terrorists, the State Department issued a report in September finding “no credible evidence indicating that international terrorist groups have established bases in Mexico, worked with Mexican drug cartels or sent operatives via Mexico into the United States.”