controlled demolition

Controlled Demolition

by Bob Rinear, The International Forecaster: The bulk of this past week was truly boring. Yes we had stock market volatility and the almost “now-normal” gigantic swings, but overall there wasn’t a lot new. But then Friday happened and things became very interesting very quickly. So, what was it?  All week the yield on the […]

9/11 Truth Is Not A Matter of Perspective

Iain Davis The 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is upon us. According to official sources, 19 mainly Saudi terrorists hijacked four planes, flying two into the World Trade Centre (WTC) complex and one into the Pentagon, with another crashing inside a hole in field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Other than some mainstream media broadcasts and reports, …

Episode #69 – Rigging the Detonators on the American Empire | Jeff Berwick

source Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson The two authors of “The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire” sit down to discuss the story behind the new book. From the rotting foundation to the pre-weakening of the building, to identifying the support columns, the Empire has been slated for destruction. Jeff Berwick, the owner of The Dollar […]

9/11 Whistleblower William Rodriguez Says There Was an Explosion in the Basement Before the Plane Hit Building

Most mainstream media reports have omitted Rodriguez' testimony that the first impact he felt was from the basement, six seconds before the plane hit the top of the building. Hundreds of other people reported hearing explosions before the buildings came down, highly suggestive of controlled demolition.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Myopic and Intellectual Incoherence of the Alt-Left

Myopic modern day liberalism never scared the imperialists. And why should it? The corporate state and statism are the enemies. The infantilized alt-left with its preoccupation with social issues of no consequence like multiculturalism and diversity and transgender bathrooms subverted the argument. It’s not politics. It challenges nothing of consequence. Not neoliberalism, imperialism, globalism, nada. They are the party of not-Trump. They’re defined in the inverse. Corporatocracy, the military and prison industrial complexes remain sacrosanct, inviolate and unchallenged.