'Operation Columbia Crest', military 'Jeopardy!' and Smith's suicide + this day in history w/TWA Flight 800 and our song of the day by Liam Gallagher on your Morning Monarchy for July 17, 2017. Link http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/mediamonarchy/~3/BPZiiyUHof0/ Tags @MediaMonarchy #Geopolitiks #MorningMonarchy Aimee Mann Al-Baghdadi Alternative News Assad Bernie Sanders concerts Congress DHS DJ Shadow Flight 77 France Fraud geopolitiks George Glass isis Jane Sanders Japan jeopardy licenses Macron media monarchy Morning Monarchy mp3 Peter Smith podcast portland Portugal protests Russia Saudi Arabia Songs Of The Day suicide Surveillance Syria taxes Ted Cruz ted leo The Both This Day In History tpp Trump twa 800 Ukraine Venezuela weapons Yemen zodiac killer Source Media Monarchy