
Greeks Killed The Troika. Plus Serial Money Printing Exposed.

Catherine Austin Fitts said 2015 will be a violent and volatile year. She is cautiously optimistic about 2015 compared to others except that she does see the potential for war. She sees severe problems after 2015.
I disagree. I see far more violence in the Central Banks and in the markets than I do on the flashpoints of the Ukraine and the ever expanding Israeli border. The Eurogroup chief whispered to Greek FinMin’s ear “You just killed the Troika” and then Varoufakis replied with a simple “WOW!”

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds: The Feds’ Coming War Against Homeschoolers

Welcome to our fourth episode of Probable Cause. Our topic for this episode is homeschooling. We will be discussing homeschooling as a major step towards independent and critical thinking, and of course, by doing so, challenging the system. I’ll be talking about how and why the government sees this ever-increasing trend, homeschooling, as a major threat, and various tactics and attack scenarios that will be implemented by the feds in its war against American homeschoolers.

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds: Libertarians- The Likely Kindling Point of the Coming Revolution?

Welcome to our third experimental episode of Probable Cause. I want to thank all of you who joined our interactive discussion in our previous two episodes. For this episode I am going to share with you my responses to the questions posed during our first episode: Do you believe we will have some sort of revolution here in the United States in the near future? If so, in your opinion, where will it come from? Which segment of our population do you see likely to revolt?

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds: Uniting for a Revolution … and the Morning After

Welcome to our second experimental episode of Probable Cause. On this episode we will be delving deeper into our previous topic: clarifying which meaning of the word revolution we are basing this discussion on, using the Iranian Revolution of 1979 as an example and context to illustrate why revolution is not an end unto itself, discussing the upsides and pitfalls of uniting for a revolution both in the short and long term, and much more!

Where will the revolution in the USA come from … assuming it will ever come?

Welcome to our first experimental episode of Probable Cause. Our first few podcast episodes will explore different ideas and formats in order to determine how we can make this new podcast series interactive and spontaneous.
On this episode, after a brief introduction and discussion of the objectives behind this new show, we will delve right into our first topic: the likelihood of a revolution here in the United States, identifying (or predicting) the political segment(s) of our population most likely to revolt.

Fast Track Is Not A Done Deal: The People Will Stop It

There is bi-partisan opposition in Congress to Fast Track and a large movement of movements mobilized to stop it.
The corporate media is reporting that since the Republican leadership and President Obama support Fast Track trade authority, it is a done deal. And that message, also heard by countries negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), is driving the race to finalize that agreement.
The truth is: Fast Track is not a done deal. There is bi-partisan opposition in Congress and a large movement of movements organized to stop it.

Vidrebel is taking time to ponder our future.

My regular readers are familiar with that quote from Dr Steve Keen: The US and the UK are headed to the worst Depression in 500 years because we have more Unpayable Debts to cancel than at anytime in five centuries. I know how to exit that misery which otherwise could involve the deaths of a billion or more people. But free speech is only allowed for people who get CIA subsidies to make pornographic cartoons insulting the Pope and Mohammed.
People who actually know how to save humanity must be hounded into the dark alleys of human life.