Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds: The Feds’ Coming War Against Homeschoolers

Welcome to our fourth episode of Probable Cause. Our topic for this episode is homeschooling. We will be discussing homeschooling as a major step towards independent and critical thinking, and of course, by doing so, challenging the system. I’ll be talking about how and why the government sees this ever-increasing trend, homeschooling, as a major threat, and various tactics and attack scenarios that will be implemented by the feds in its war against American homeschoolers. We will also identify various steps and activities that can be taken by homeschooler communities to preempt the coming federal government’s war against them.
As previously, I will be providing my take based on what I have been observing, through my own personal lens, reasoning and analyses, and will pose questions for you to consider. And as usual our next episode will be based on your reaction, critique, responses and questions posed in the comments section below.
*To listen to our previous episodes on this topic click here , here , and here.
Listen to the full episode here:

A Few Related Links
Keep it in the Family
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