Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds: Uniting for a Revolution … and the Morning After

Welcome to our second experimental episode of Probable Cause. On this episode we will be delving deeper into our previous topic: clarifying which meaning of the word revolution we are basing this discussion on, using the Iranian Revolution of 1979 as an example and context to illustrate why revolution is not an end unto itself, discussing the upsides and pitfalls of uniting for a revolution both in the short and long term, and much more!
In our previous episode I provided a very brief account of my own direct experience with the Iranian Revolution of 1979. For this episode I will get down and dirty with more details and highly personal experiences, and challenge the USA version of the Iranian Revolution. I’ll talk about the Iranian dissenters during the Shah Regime: the intellectual elites, the workers’ movement, the nationalists, the centrists, and the ultra-religious right. I will tell you how the dissent went from simmering to percolating and boiling, and then reaching the point of radical revolution, and how and why differences were put aside for the common goal during the initial stage. And finally, I will give you the account of what took place the morning after … immediately after the initial objective was fulfilled-the regime change. Get ready, you will be listening to a version that is vastly different from the Hollywood movies and hostage-taking news footage and videos shoved-down your throat by the US media.
We will revisit our previous questions, and then some more. Just like last time, our next episode will be based on your reaction, responses and questions posed in the comments section below.
*To listen to our previous episode click here

Listen to the full episode here: