DNC Leaks, Turkish prisons and deglobalization + this day in history w/Afghan War Diary and our song of the day by The Frightnrs on your Morning Monarchy for July 25, 2016. Link http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/mediamonarchy/~3/EKZxFBTls3M/ Tags @MediaMonarchy #Geopolitiks #MorningMonarchy 9/11 afghan war diaries al-CIA-da Alternative News Anders Behring Breivik Arrested Australia banksters Bernie Sanders CCTV children CIA concerts Corruption coup Democrats DNC Leaks Erdogan France geopolitiks Guantanamo Hillary Clinton Hungary IMF indefinite detentions John Kerry Journalists media monarchy military Morning Monarchy mp3 Nice truck attack Norway Pennsylvania Pentagon Philadelphia podcast presidential election Ron Wyden Russia Songs Of The Day Syria Theresa May This Day In History torture Turkey UK Warren Buffett WikiLeaks Source Media Monarchy