US Congressional Resolution Calls for Annulling the Monroe Doctrine and Ending Sanctions

Now, 200 years after President James Monroe first promulgated his dictate giving the Yankees dominion of the rest of the hemisphere, a congressional resolution calls for annulling the Monroe Doctrine and replacing it with a “new good neighbor” policy. The intent is to “foster improved relations and deeper, more effective cooperation” with our neighbor nations. […]

The World’s Economic Centre of Gravity Is Returning to Asia

Han Youngsoo (Republic of Korea), Seoul, Korea 1956–1963. In October 2023, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) published its annual Trade and Development Report. Nothing in the report came as a major surprise. The growth of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) continues to decline with no sign of a rebound. Following […]

How Michael Hudson Explains America’s Annual $1.5T Military Expenditures

Eric Zuesse (blogs at On November 18th, the great economic historian Michael Hudson decimated the Nobel-Prize-winning (neoliberal-neoconservative, or pro-imperialism libertarian) economic theorists, in a conversation with the great geostrategic analyst Alexander Mercouris, by explaining something that all of those (all pro-imperialism libertarian) economic theorists (the mainstream economic theorists and pontificators) don’t even notice (which […]

UN & Bill Gates Launch “50in5” Global Digital Infrastructure Plans

Kit Knightly Last week the United Nations Development Program officially launched their new initiative promoting “Digital Public Infrastructure” (DPI) around the world. The “50in5” program – so-called because it aims to introduce DPI in fifty countries in the next five years – began with a live-streamed event on November 8th. For those of you unsure …

How the International Monetary Fund Continues to Shrink the Poorer Nations

From 9 to 15 October, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank held their annual joint meeting in Marrakech (Morocco). The last time that these two Bretton Woods institutions met on African soil was in 1973, when the IMF-World Bank meeting was held in Nairobi (Kenya). Kenya’s then President Jomo Kenyatta (1897–1978) urged those […]

The IMF’s Neocolonial Grip on Pakistan Is the Same as Its Grip on the Third World

Pakistan has made international headlines repeatedly over the last year for almost all the wrong reasons. While the country has been associated with extremism and terrorism for over two decades, more recently Pakistan has become known for natural disasters and political upheavals. Among the issues that deserve serious scrutiny – but gets little to no […]

We Have Here, in Africa, Everything Necessary to Become a Powerful, Modern, and Industrialised Continent

Wu Fang (China), 行走 (‘Journey’), 2017. In his 1963 book, Africa Must Unite, Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first president, wrote, ‘We have here, in Africa, everything necessary to become a powerful, modern, industrialised continent. United Nations investigators have recently shown that Africa, far from having inadequate resources, is probably better equipped for industrialisation than almost any […]