Scotland, Ireland, Japan, Denmark Want to Discuss Potential HPV Vaccine Dangers

Open scientific discussions have been the goal of an organization called the UK Association for HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (HPV VID) as well as 2,019 people from 55 countries who have been injured due to an HPV vaccine. Freda Birrell spoke on the behalf of the organization to the Scottish government recently about the administration of HPV vaccines and their potential corresponding dangers.
HPV VID formed when families from Scotland, England, Wales, and Northern Ireland realized that they needed to unite forces to help bring awareness to HPV vaccine dangers.
With help of senior members of the Irish Government, like Pashal Mooney, who recently plead with government officials to look into the lack of informed consent regarding HPV vaccines and the devastating effects on young girls that were being observed, the organization has brought light to the fact that many who receive HPV vaccines are ending up in psych wards, and suffering serious side effects.
The organization also brings to the surface information which the US media often ignores, such as:

  • Japan has rescinded the government recommendation for HPV vaccines and initiated studies to determine whether there is a causal relationship between HPV vaccines and adverse outcomes as well as a 21 year study to determine whether HPV vaccines have an impact on cervical cancer diagnosis rates.
  • The National Association of HPV Adverse Sufferers in Denmark has hosted an HPV Vaccine Information Symposium to bring families together with medical professionals, health authorities, and legal professionals to explore treatment options and potential legal remedies on October 31st. Denmark has just recently made the decision to change from Gardasil to Cervarix as the HPV vaccine of choice.
  • Of 88 families the association has investigated thus far, 68% report that their daughters experienced health problems following an HPV vaccine, many with serious-enough illnesses to interfere with their educations; others to the extent that they could no longer care for themselves and required assistance. A shocking 91% reported being told their daughters’ medical conditions were psychological in origin.

It is important to note that national health authorities in Denmark, Norway, Japan, France, Spain, Colombia, Ireland, and many other countries have led doctors and other vaccine administrators to believe that any new medical conditions experienced after HPV vaccine administration are most likely psychosomatic.
Consequently, when the average medical health professional is faced with a patient exhibiting symptoms they have never seen before; symptoms which do not fit neatly into any current diagnostic criteria, the natural assumption is psychological problems as have been experienced by many UK families.
These facts are rarely given consideration:

  • According to Merck’s own Gardasil 9 package insert, 3.3% of participants who were given Gardasil during the most recent clinical trials “experienced new medical conditions potentially indicative of autoimmune disorders.” (3,300/100,000 recipients)
  • According to a press release from Sanofi-Pasteur MSD dated June 17, 2015, 183 million doses of Gardasil have been distributed worldwide.
  • Using Merck’s own clinical trial percentage, this means there could be as many as 6,039,000 girls around the world suffering autoimmune conditions which could very well influence their health for the rest of their lives.

These facts call into question whether HPV vaccines like Gardasil and Ceravix are truly safe. More importantly, Dr. Genevieve Rail, Professor of Critical Studies of Health at Concordia University, recently received a grant of $270,000 from the Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) to study the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). She concluded that there is absolutely no proof that the human papillomavirus directly causes cervical cancer.
View petition documents, including supporting evidence from medical and scientific professionals here.
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