
Lucifer’s Evolutionary Babel – Jay Dyer on Men With Chests

Jay Dyer joins Men With Chests Podcast to discuss social engineering, who’s doing it, and why. We get into the ancient origins of this diabolism, how it became industrialized, and talk about some of the shadowy groups and figures behind it all. We also talk transhumanism, Darwinism, and how this agenda has impacted Christianity and the Church.
During the news round-up we have a fairly long discussion about monarchism and then we offer some helpful tip on how to increase your reverence during mass.

Trump & Davos – Americanism & The False Libertarian / AltRight Dialectic – Jay Dyer (Half)

In our post-modern world, two contradictory presuppositions dominate: total and all-encompassing relativism and extreme mathematical quantification in terms of technological dominance. Globalism itself is the clearest manifestation of this double-think, with Trump as an icon of both. Corporatism, mammonism and relativism all coalesce into a sodomy-based world order.
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Pagan Religions, Perennialism & Fr Stephen Freeman Refuted Pt. 2

This second part includes the section of the video that failed to be processed correctly with an additional hour of my comments in response to Fr. Freeman’s email. I give my view of perennialism and how St. John of Damascus showed the means by which all religious systems boil down to a few basic starting point errors on God in his catalogue of heresies. Thus, in cabalism, Hinduism, evolutionism, and higher criticism and gnosticism, we see all the same trends and patterns at odds with our view.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 115 Paranormal Halloween Special with Aaron Franz

Aaron Franz joins us for a special paranormal/occult Halloween special. We start off by discussing our opinions on Halloween as it exists today. We then move onto the ancient Druid and pagan roots of the holiday and the deeper esoteric meaning behind it. Aaron and I discuss how this pagan festival was absorbed into the Christian All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day. We look at how Halloween has become a commercialized holiday predicated on buying candy and other useless products.