
US “withdrawal” from Syria? Turkey Receives the Red Light/Foe Treatment. Not the Greenlight.

The spin from yesterday continues unabated. In fact it’s picked up pace. spinnin' fast Recall from yesterday?"If you want to identify the disinfo promoters on line pay attention to the deceptive web they are weaving at this time regarding this situation"Watch out for spin doctors.  Making non credible claims. Glossing over and obfuscating Today, as expected, certain sites are deceiving, ofuscating,  employing 5 eyes spin in line with the  CIA’s CNN.

Impending Turkish Operation Into North Eastern Syria? Kurdish Occupiers Willing to Provoke Turkey?

But did Erdogan really state an operation is imminent?The western media is certainly spinning this as a ready to launch"attack on Rojova" against "their Kurdish allies" So a very specific narrow narrative is being spun- Without mentioning the US bases. Occupation. Or US annexation/theft and displacement of Syrian territory, resources and people. If you want to identify the disinfo promoters on line pay attention to the deceptive web they are weaving at this time regarding this situation.

At Least 16 U.S Bases Secure Syria's Oil Fields in the North East- Timely Leak

 One really has to wonder why the 5 eyes media has failed to adequately, if ever, address the issue of all those US bases in N/E Syria? Alt or msm 5 eyes? And why it is that sites offering the "syrian perspective'"don't broach this subject? Instead it's the same old disinfothama kinda stuff. The lone voice talking this subject up, extensively, has pretty much been mine, at least to my knowledge.