
Mattis tells Bolton, “I hear you’re the Devil incarnate” [VIDEO]

President Trump sure knows how to keep the hits coming. In the last few weeks there have been some new cabinet and advisory picks and appointments made by him. One of the more significant ones lately was the selection of John Bolton as the new National Security Advisor, an appointment scheduled to take effect on April 9, 2018.
John Bolton comes to the job with a reputation of being a complete “America Firster” kind of guy, and one of the major criticisms of the man is that he is a consummate warmonger or at least, a hawk, whether it is well conceived or not.

“Smoking gun” text messages confirm Obama White House – NOT Russia – meddled in 2016 election

The RussiaGate scandal is one of the most aggressively pushed and factually empty hoaxes a government has ever tried to pull on its people.
The fact we have this phoney scandal in the United States, which is supposed to be the “land of the free”, is also a huge travesty against both the integrity and honor of the nation.

Officials from 6 nations plan to boycott the 2018 World Cup in Russia

Moscow has been busily preparing its facilities to host the 2018 World Cup games. Not only has Moscow been part of this but so have other places around the Russian Federation. However, there is a push on in the Western nations for the officials of six countries (Poland, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Australia and Japan) to boycott the event.
That’s fine. Stay home. Russia doesn’t need you here anyway if you don’t want to be here.