Mattis tells Bolton, “I hear you’re the Devil incarnate” [VIDEO]

President Trump sure knows how to keep the hits coming. In the last few weeks there have been some new cabinet and advisory picks and appointments made by him. One of the more significant ones lately was the selection of John Bolton as the new National Security Advisor, an appointment scheduled to take effect on April 9, 2018.
John Bolton comes to the job with a reputation of being a complete “America Firster” kind of guy, and one of the major criticisms of the man is that he is a consummate warmonger or at least, a hawk, whether it is well conceived or not.
In that context, it appears the Defense Secretary, James Mattis, decided to have a little fun with the former Ambassador when the two met for the first time.

And this CNN guy is hyperventilating over this humorous greeting. The appearance on his face is one of abject shock over such a joke… Apparently he thinks something is wrong with this kind of greeting.
Now, Mr. Bolton was interviewed by Tucker Carlson back on March 7th, and here he provides some fodder for the criticism of him as war-monger. He talks a good game about how Iran, North Korea and other powers are “palpable” threats to the United States, and so he is no peacenik.
But to any connection of General Mattis’ greeting with this sort of “warmongering” title, it seems clear from the reaction of both men is that this is a true joke, making fun of the media labels for them, and not actually taking such a point seriously.
The interview with Tucker Carlson is very interesting, so I have posted it here. In this case, we hear policy, which is a lot more interesting and useful information than rumors and innuendo.

Regardless of the actual state of geopolitics, Mr. Bolton is very articulate and able to explain his view of the world very well. Whether that view is right or wrong – that is a matter for debate once we learn Mr. Bolton’s full point of view about it.
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