Angela Merkel

Equestrian Statue of Angela Merkel Collapses Spontaneously Under its Own Weight

Certain natural events achieve so perfectly a higher symbolic meaning that it is hard not to see in them a divine message, says Eugyppius. Such is the case with the collapse of an equestrian statue of Angela Merkel.
The post Equestrian Statue of Angela Merkel Collapses Spontaneously Under its Own Weight appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Keeping Up Appearances: Merkel’s Hair and Scholz’s Pate

It was a shallow affair.  Reputed to have exceptionally poor hairdo, the figure who became one of Europe’s, and indeed one of the globe’s most lasting and influential politicians, inspired memes aplenty for what she sported on her bonce. The teases, the parodying, the satire, began to bite.  Stylists were sought in an attempt to […]

Nuclear War Is No Exit for the Ukraine Crisis

Sixty years ago, a crowd of us young people anxiously massed around a black-and-white TV in my college student union building. The US and the USSR were in an existential standoff. The US had deployed ballistic nuclear missiles in Turkey. When the Soviets responded by placing missiles in Cuba, the US demanded their removal or […]
The post Nuclear War Is No Exit for the Ukraine Crisis first appeared on Dissident Voice.

4 déc. 2021 - RT France : Fraudes et trafics d'influence dans les hautes sphères de l'UE

Fraudes et trafics d'influence dans les hautes sphères de l'UE 4 déc. 2021 RT France Lire l'article ? : Dans une enquête de Libération, on apprend que certains hauts responsables de la Cour des comptes européenne abusent tous azimuts : primes de logement exorbitantes pour domiciles fictifs, notes de frais non contrôlées, absences injustifiées, missions non vérifiées… Un comble pour un organe censé surveiller le bon usage des deniers publics (...)

4 déc. 2021 - RT France : Fraudes et trafics d'influence dans les hautes sphères de l'UE

Fraudes et trafics d'influence dans les hautes sphères de l'UE 4 déc. 2021 RT France Lire l'article ? : Dans une enquête de Libération, on apprend que certains hauts responsables de la Cour des comptes européenne abusent tous azimuts : primes de logement exorbitantes pour domiciles fictifs, notes de frais non contrôlées, absences injustifiées, missions non vérifiées… Un comble pour un organe censé surveiller le bon usage des deniers publics (...)

A Russian geopolitical analyst’s thoughts on Joe Biden [Video]

The following piece is a translation (errors our own) of a geopolitical analysis piece written by Timofey Bordachev, Program Director of the Valdai Club. It serves as a “window” into what at least some people outside the United States see with the rise to power of our illegitimately-“elected” head of State, Imposter Joe Biden. As […]