Did this virus come from a lab? Maybe not — but it exposes the threat of a biowarfare arms race
Dangerous pathogens are captured in the wild and made deadlier in government biowarfare labs. Did that happen here?
Dangerous pathogens are captured in the wild and made deadlier in government biowarfare labs. Did that happen here?
One survey found large majority want gene-edited products to carry detailed labels – and health concerns remain strong. Claire Robinson reports
The ninth circuit court of appeals is being asked to overturn the EPA’s approval of a Monsanto herbicide that is allegedly a threat to farm crops across the US
A scientific article argues the virus could not have been genetically engineered – but not all scientists are convinced. Claire Robinson reports
"Green recovery" from COVID-19 crisis demands healthy and sustainable food system
Grocery Manufacturers Association intentionally violated campaign finance transparency law
Plans are under way to bring the GM soy intensive agricultural development model to the heart of the Amazon
Life too complex to fit into computer algorithm
Please donate to the UK's umbrella campaign for a sustainable and GMO-free future
There are good reasons why gene editing was included in the list of “weapons of mass destruction and proliferation” by a top US intelligence official. Report by Jonathan Matthews