Hollyweird politics, a lot of lawsuits and nuclear concerts + this day in history w/"Controversy" and our song of the day by The Faint on your Morning Monarchy for September 2, 2016. Link http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/mediamonarchy/~3/upVl5W5d6To/ Tags @MediaMonarchy #MediaMemes #MorningMonarchy advertising Alternative News Amazon Beyonce Canada celebrity censorship Clinton Global Initiative fashion Father John Misty film Hanford kanye west language Lawsuits Leonardo DiCaprio library of congress lindsay lohan media media monarchy MediaMemes miley cyrus Morning Monarchy mp3 Netflix Piracy podcast riaa Rupert Murdoch satire Songs Of The Day Stephen K. Bannon This Day In History Tragically Hip Trump twitch video games Washington state woody allen YouTube Source Media Monarchy