USA in the World

Bioweapons, Bioweapons, Who’s Wielding the COVID-19 Bioweapon?

What you are about to read will be confusing, at first, but this is unavoidable. After all, we did wake up to martial law unofficially declared, all around the world. So, you can expect some confusion before unraveling the truth we face. Hopefully, I will be able to help you sift through all the market opportunists proclaiming new coronavirus related windfalls. Maybe readers will be somehow enriched and empowered, knowing why consumerism is about to die a horrible death.

We are Not Allowed to Watch, Listen and Read what We Want, Anymore

Now, that almost all of us, all over the world, have been forced into staying in what could be easily defined as house arrest, there is suddenly plenty of time to read books, to watch great films, and to listen to splendid music.
Many of us, for years, have been sadly repeating again and again: “if only we would have time…”

COVID and the Terror of Uncertainty

There are two worlds, in a way never before imagined, one of people and jobs, of life and experience, the other a shadowy world of deceit and terrorism.
As the month of March 2020 comes to an end and April begins, the entire planet is being tested. As expected, as promised as any idiot might guess, political leadership has failed and the organizations intended to coordinate the planetary response to biological threats has shown itself to be politicized, weakened or possibly worse.