USA in the World

Going Down with the Ship

The mightiest Empire ever to have existed is being brought down by a bug. Aesop had nothing to say about this, but someone out there will know whether the situation is unique. (I breathed a sigh of relief upon learning that the former British Foreign Secretary, one of the ubiquitous Cameron brothers, is heading the International Relief Center for the Corona Response in camps where refugees from Turkey end up, and in Gaza. I wouldn’t want him to be without a job.)

The Invisible Bug That Killed an Empire

The liberal world order is a shambles. The coronavirus pandemic will spell the end of full-spectrum dominance by Britain, the United States, and those in the European Union tethered so inextricably to the NATO alliance. A quote below from a Reuters report citing French President Emmanual Macron, it sums up the fall of the mediocre empire created after World War 2.

Coronavirus: the Reactionaries from USA

Coronavirus is spreading to more and more countries and leaving an increasing number of deaths in its wake. It is about time experts and the common men asked legitimate questions: “Where did this deadly virus come from, in what laboratories was it created, and who is behind the pandemic?”. We will try to answer them as objectively as possible.

Covid-19 Hysteria Vs. Your Actual (Very Low) Chance of Dying

How likely are you to die from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19)? Based on the hysteria spreading across the globe, it would seem like the chances are fairly high.
But would report on the actual projected death rate of those who contract Covid-19 based on US Center for Disease Control (CDC) data, noting:

Female Prosecutor Politicians & Their Love For War

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” wrote the playwright,William Congreve in 1697. Though Congreve is long forgotten, his quote has been immortalized, surfacing over and over as gender-related issues continuously pop up in US politics. The presidency of Donald Trump, known for his crude comments and surrounded by accusations of sexual assault and misconduct, gave birth to “Women’s Marches” and huge efforts to promote the role of women in politics.

The Nasty Truth About Covid 19

During the last half of March, a dozen or more massive Russian air transports have landed in Italy in order to save that nation from a very real devastating pandemic. We note also that the aircraft had to be routed an extra 2500 miles because of a NATO/Poland block on use of airspace even for a humanitarian mission on behalf of a fellow NATO member.

Wall Street Whacked by Boot Straps

The Trump administration is discovering with astonishment that the Corona Virus cannot be defeated without a robust social structure. Although Bernie Sanders has not gotten the votes he expected for his comprehensive social programs in the recent elections for delegates to the Democratic Convention, a virus from China — our economic challenger — suddenly illuminated the utter insufficiency of horse and buggy community services.