underground bases
What if ‘Cabin in the Woods’ (2012) and its Deep State Are Real?
Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
Cabin in the Woods is an enjoyable satire of basically every horror movie stereotype and archetype imaginable. The box office hit from 2012 written by Joss Whedon raked in a hefty profit while throwing nods to horror classics like Friday the 13th, Evil Dead and The Shining. The writing is genuinely funny and the spoofing is spot on, but is there more at work here?
(Half) Dr. Joseph P. Farrell – Jay Dyer: Tragedy & Hope, Third Way & CERN
This is the first free half of the full interview which can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links for $4.95 a month or $60.00 a year. As an excellent complement to my Tragedy and Hope lecture series covering the entire text, Dr. Joseph P.
Jay Dyer w/Sofia Smallstorm: Occult Metaphysics of Underground Bases (Half)
Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
Sofia Smallstorm joins me to discuss her work, radiation and human bio-engineering, the Manhattan Project, geoengineering, the recent ceremony celebrating the Alps Tunnel, CERN and the occult metaphysics of the Underworld: The elite obsession with Hades.