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Petition To Congress To Reopen the 2001 Anthrax Attacks Investigation

OffGuardian | November 11, 2020 The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry has recently petitioned Congress to reopen the 2001 Anthrax Investigations, which it claims were ‘intentionally obstructed’ and ‘not conducted in good faith’. View the petition’s Executive Summary below. Known as ‘Amerithrax’, the 2001 Anthrax Attacks took pace one week after 9/11 and became know […]

Joe Biden and Kamala on Israel, Palestine

Palestine Chronicle TV Pakistan Today, an English language newspaper headquartered in Lahore, features the following satirical commentary in its section The Dependent: Former US Senator Kamala Harris, who was promoted to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) Deputy National Coordinator two days ago, is going to hold the office of Vice President of the […]

The huckster and the hack: UK govt report undermines stars of Cambridge Analytica-Russiagate scandal

By Alexander Rubinstein · The Grayzone · November 2, 2020 Self-styled whistleblower Christopher Wylie and The Guardian reporter Carole Cadwalladr earned film deals and flashy awards by blaming Brexit and Trump on a sweeping conspiracy between data firm Cambridge Analytica and Russia. A British government investigation shatters their claims to fame. Two years after the […]

Coronavirus Fact-Check #8: “New daily cases” and the second wave

OffGuardian | November 7, 2020 All the media have banners and counters and big red numbers of the front page. They proclaim the “new daily cases”. For example, today, it was reported that Spain has 22,000 new cases, Italy has 37,000, the UK 24,000 and the US 116,000. They are ubiquitously called “new daily cases”. […]

Willem Engel interviews Ivor Cummins

Data Dumper Willem Engel with Ivor Cummins, November 4, 2020 [Dutch opening ~18 seconds, English after that] Ivor Cummins BE(Chem) CEng MIEI PMP completed a Biochemical Engineering degree in 1990. He has since spent over 25 years in corporate technical leadership and management positions. His career specialty has been leading large worldwide teams in complex […]

Endangering European security: Biden’s assertion that Russia is number one ‘threat’ to US flies in face of facts & reason

By Glenn Diesen | RT | October 28, 2020 Joe Biden’s belief that Russia is the greatest danger to the US is based on emotion and outdated ideology. It should alarm Europeans as they could find themselves on the frontline of a ‘struggle’ that makes little or no sense. US presidential challenger Joe Biden recently […]