population control

Greta: The New Religion is the Old Religion – Jay Dyer / JimBob

MadeByJimbob rejoins me to discuss the new religion being the old religion. He made a great cartoon of me chatting with Stefan, which was based. We will cover philosophy, ultimate principles, logic, religion, satire, social justice, Greta and more. Tonight at 10 PM EST 
He is best known through his popular Instagram.

“Mass Sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine

The Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging UNICEF and WHO with sterilizing millions of women under cover of an anti-tetanus vaccination program that was designed to control the population of Africans. All of the samples that were tested returned positive for the HCG antigen, which is used to curb fertility.

Berkeley City Council Rings in Agenda 21, Declaring ‘Climate Emergency’ and Call for Population Control

The Berkeley City Council unanimously voted in a plan for climate regulations and put on record their desire to "humanely stabilize population", a euphemism for depopulation, which is the ultimate goal of Agenda 21. The city urges surrounding municipalities and the state of California to buy into its hysteria and to impose harsh regulations that will affect energy, building, the electricity grid and transportation. [...]