
Tous allergiques ?

L’Organisation mondiale de la santé a classé l’allergie au quatrième rang des maladies les plus répandues dans le monde. Si rien n’est fait, un terrien sur deux pourrait en souffrir en 2050… D’où vient le mal et, surtout, que peut-on faire pour inverser la tendance ? En effet, dans les pays industrialisés, quasiment une personne sur trois souffre d’allergies diverses. […]

How Our Facewash and Soap are Polluting the Waterways

You know those microbeads that are found in toothpaste, facewash, hand soap and a bunch of other things? They’re terrible for the environment, and you should stop using them.
Microbeads are added to products to increase scrubbing action. The tiny plastic balls are taking over our oceans, harming the creatures living in them. About 8 billion microbeads make their way into U.S. waterways each day – enough to cover 300 tennis courts. [1]

Just How Many Garbage Patches are There in Our Oceans? See for Yourself

Our oceans not only provide ample food for us when they are in peak condition, but they sustain life on this planet. In a visual representation experiment of the garbage patches around the world’s oceans, we can see just how seriously we’ve affected our oceans through Big Ag practices, littering, corporate disregard, and additional environmentally unfriendly practices which affect Mother Nature’s ‘womb.’

Life and Death in the Shadow of Spirit Mountain

The Aha Makhav believed that the god Matevilya created all life forms on the sacred summit of Spirit Mountain. This high point in the Newberry Range now looms over the towns of Laughlin, Nevada, Bullhead City, Arizona, and Fort Mohave, Arizona. The rich Colorado River bottom land, stretching from what is now Hoover Dam southward for more than 200 miles, was home to the Aha Makhav for untold thousands of years.