
Video: Interview with ISIL members captured by YPG

Interviews with ISIL members captured by the YPG (People’s Defense Units, the armed forces of the government of Rojava, the Syrian Kurdistan), that have been fighting ISIL since 2013. From a 2015 report in Israel’s Channel 1, edited by Binyamin Edelman.

[…] — Where’s the money coming from?
— Saudi Arabia, Turkey… we get plenty of support.
— Weapons too?
— Everything is coming from abroad. Support, weapons, money, everyhing.
— Do you like Saudi Arabia?
— Yes, why wouldn’t we like them?
— And Turkey?

Paris, Beyrouth, Damas : au-delà de l’effroi, l’analyse de Jean-Michel Vernochet et de Youssef Hindi

L’historien et écrivain Youssef Hindi, ainsi que Jean-Michel Vernochet, nous livrent leur analyse des terribles événements qui ensanglantent actuellement la France, le Liban et la Syrie. Cet entretien a été réalisée à l’aéroport de Beyrouth le 14 novembre 2015, alors que nous étions en transit de Damas à Paris.

West is Lying About Iran

An acclaimed philosopher and journalist who has recently visited Iran tells Fars News Agency that the reality of Iran is absolutely different from the way it’s being illustrated in the mainstream media.
Andre Vltchek says: “Iran that you see when visiting the country has nothing in common with that imaginary, terrible and cruel Iran that the West’s mass media has created.”