
Jay w/Dr. Farrell: Secrets of Aether Physics

First, I know the sound quality is bad, this is my second or so interview from back in 2007. Lost on my old computer, a listener dug this up and sent it to me. New to the game at the time I was still experimenting but the information presented is excellent. Dr. Farrell and I discuss the hermetica. Neoplatonic conceptions of the aether, his Secrets of the Unified Field, hidden metaphysics, information theory, the topological metaphor and much more.
His site and work can be found here.

Racism as Sadism

The state exists through violence. Rules are enacted and people must comply (except if you are a big shot because rules are made to keep the little guys in line). The big shots consist of a tiny clique that greedily absorbs the wealth from the labor of the little guys — and little gals — who constitute the masses. Given the gargantuan disparity between the number of big shots and the number of those who comprise the masses, the big shots had to devise a system to lock in the egregious maldistribution of wealth. The masses must be manipulated based on prejudices held or inculcated.

Scott Thomas Outlar: A Dissident and his Songs

Scott Thomas Outlar’s first poetry submission to Dissident Voice was entitled “Three Part Harmony” which was published on June 8, 2014.  Since that date he has become a regular contributor to DV’s Poetry on Sunday.  Now with his book of poetry, Songs of a Dissident,  published, I decided to send him a few questions via e-mail and find out his reaction to the news.

Jay Dyer – San Bernardino Shooting: Islam, The West & False Flags

“Jay Dyer is behind the website JaysAnalysis, which is dedicated to investigating the deeper themes and messages found in our globalist pseudo culture and illustrating the connections between philosophy, metaphysics, secret societies, Hollywood, psychological warfare and comparative religion. Dyer deconstructs these subjects in his weekly talk radio show, Esoteric Hollywood.

Attentats de Paris, situation en Syrie : entretiens avec Jean-Loup Izambert et Ayssar Midani

Jean-Loup Izambert est journaliste et écrivain, il s’intéresse à la mouvance islamiste depuis le début des années 1990. Il vient d’ailleurs de publier un livre, « 56 », qui traite des liens entre la mouvance terroriste islamiste et le pouvoir politique français, notamment socialiste. Ayssar Midani est une citoyenne franco-syrienne qui habite Damas, et qui est investie dans plusieurs associations.

Conséquences de l’état d’urgence : un citoyen belge placé en centre de rétention pour migrants

L’instauration de l’état d’urgence en France, à la suite des attentats du 13 novembre dernier, a donné aux « forces de l’ordre » une grande latitude pour appliquer les règles sécuritaires qui en ont découlé: perquisitions intempestives, arrestations arbitraires, plus grande fermeté, voire violence, de la part des officiers assermentés de la force publique.

Entretien avec Alain Fédèle, tête de liste UPR en « Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes »

Si beaucoup de Français considèrent aujourd’hui le système électoral de notre pays comme une entrave à la démocratie  plutôt qu’un moyen de son expression, certains ont pris le parti de lutter de l’intérieur pour faire bouger les lignes. Les habitués du Cercle des Volontaires connaissent le positionnement de François Asselineau, président de l’Union Populaire Républicaine dans ce combat politique.

Perfect Control Without Further Fear: A Psychobiography of L. Ron Hubbard

©James L. Kelley 2015
Southern California, circa 1948. A depressed, impotent Navy veteran named L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986) angles his shoulders toward a customized high-speed typewriter. His dim, narrow eyes begin to glint as his fingers strike the keys. This, however, will be a new type of writing for Hubbard, who has long-since made his name as a penny-a-word pulp writer…