Gun Control

Endorsement Motivations

Every wonder how endorsers decide who to endorse? Let's look at a race in Florida, the one for the U.S. Senate seat. The most valuable endorsement you can get in a Democratic primary is Obama's. So how did he pick between Patrick Murphy and Alan Grayson? Murphy consistently voted with the Republicans on almost everything Obama claimed was important to him-- even direct attacks.

Trial By Media Killed the Officers in Dallas

Obama’s Rush to Judgement and Identity Politics Contributed to their DeathsBy Michael Hoffmanwww.RevisionistHistory.orgShortly before several Dallas police officers were killed by a sniper (or snipers) on July 7, President Obama spoke at a NATO summit in Poland and immediately rushed to judgment by insinuating that officers in Minnesota had done something seriously wrong in their treatment of a black motorist who died as a result of a traffic stop.

Ending The NRA's Reign Of Terror? Not While Paul Ryan Is Speaker Of The House

Since 1990, the gun manufacturers' lobbyists, like the NRA, have spent $32,458,492 in bribes to Congress, $27,627,767 of that to Republicans. Paul Ryan was only 20 then, driving a hot dog truck, and he wasn't elected to Congress until 1998. But he's made up for lost time. The only crook in the House who's taken more in gun lobbyist bribes than Ryan ($167,355) is Don Young of Alaska ($183,822).

Combatting Gun Violence In The Heart Of Texas-- Meet Tom Wakely

With all this talk about an anti-Trump tsunami sweeping Ryan and his GOP House majority out of power, there are some hopeful signs, even if the DCCC doesn't have enough plausible candidates running to achieve that. One district the DCCC is studiously ignoring is TX-21-- the Austin/San Antonio corridor-- where derabged Trump enthusiast Lamar Smith managed to get a "free pass" from an increasingly out-of-touch Nancy Pelosi.

The Music Industry Unites Around A Common Sense Approach To U.S. Gun Nuttery

Ted Nugent, who was once part of the music industry, opposes gun control. He has advocated private individuals being able to own heavy military equipment, from bazookas to tanks. When I became president of Reprise one of the first things I did was begin laying the groundwork for dropping his truly dreadful band, Damn Yankees. But not everyone in the music business is as big an asshole as Nugent.