Gun Control

Democratic Party Unity, The NRA, The DCCC And Mary Ellen Balchunis

As we mentioned yesterday, the head of the DSCC, Jon Tester, was one of 3 Democrats-- the other two being NRA shills Heidi Heitkamp and Joe Manchin-- to have crossed the aisle and voted with the Republicans to defeat an amendment by Chris Murphy that aimed to expand background checks on gun sales to include sales at gun shows and on the Internet.

Should Members Of Congress Pay For Their Complicity In Mass Gun Slaughter?

If you read DWT with any regularity you probably know we're pretty tough on law and order around here. This isn't an "abolish the death penalty" blog. This is a "let's use the death penalty much more" kind of blog-- albeit not until we have a perfected justice system that doesn't penalize suspects for being minorites or for poverty. Once that's all set, you better hope I'm not ever a judge.

Massacre in Orlando: Morality and Mortality

The Massacre in Orlando By Michael Hoffmanwww.revisionisthistory.orgOrlando terrorist Omar Mir Seddique Mateen was licensed by the state of Florida to carry firearms. His rifle may even have been part of his job. Since 2007 he has been employed by G4S Secure Solutions, a “global” security firm that provided protection to the London Olympics. Until recently, G4S had an Israeli section with 8,000 employees.