
Chemical Manipulation of Humanity: US Endocrine Society Warns AGAIN on Endocrine Disrupters

Boy oh boy, I've wanted to get back to this vital topic! Finally! Despite the fact that there is evidence of real world harm to the environment and all living things, we still keep getting the same old tired, false AGW spin. (I even saw, first time ever a tell-a-vision commercial for some sort of AGW alliance here in Canada!)Simply put the AGW lie benefits the petrochemical industry (profits gained) and EDC restriction or removal would harm the petrochemical industry (profits lost) In a way this is much like the big bad tobacco meme- Was it the tobacco?

"Genetics Proposes: Epigenetics Disposes"- The Chemical Manipulation of Humanity

This was almost ready to go last week.... sigh. I found a brief, less then ten minute video, explaining Epigenetics- Exploring Epigenetics  looks to be a necessity to understanding the mechanism behind -The chemical manipulation of humanity- This may shed light on how EDC's are altering  DNA in every living thing, contributing to the increase in gender bending mutations in all living creatures, including humans, along with the ever increasing dis ease toll In the video below the speaker suggests this is new science.

Toxic Hot Seat- Documentary: Flame Retardant EDC's & the Chemical Manipulation of Humanity

It's about 1.5 hours. Consider this a background for some upcoming posts concerning the topic of the chemical manipulation of humanity and flame retardants that will include the gamut of the petro chemical producers including the role of the chemical tobacco industryEquation:  big oil + petro chemical producers + toxic tobacco + big pharma +  big agriculture + bankers =  poison for the planet and all life on it.Please, watch it all and leave some feed back- Thank You!

The Fraud of AGW vs the Real Threat to Humanity- Endocrine Disruptors

I am hoping that some, most or all of my regular readers have taken the time to watch, listen to Jan's interview with Curtis Duncan-  The Chemical Manipulation of HumanityThe Chemical Manipulation of Humanity. Through Endocrine Disrupting toxic pollutants, chemicals.  Is this mainstream? Is there an equivalent of the authoratative (not)  IPCC addressing this issue? The answer to both of those questions is NO.

Whooping Cough hits California- 90% of patients vaccinated

Sorry to cause anymore cognitive dissonance. Well actually, I am not! Vaccination has been sold to us as infallible. A panacea for all that ails us. And far too many believe such nonsenseIs such foolish belief a threat to the human species and it's survival. As our planet is fouled. Our food is degraded. Our water filthied.  Should we hold the misguided belief that vaccines are miracle cures. Or should we accept that first of all  we are deluding ourselves and even worse making weaker future generations.