
Pro-Communist Antifa Member Hit by Truck While Protesting a Christian Rally

Portland: An activist with the Antifa movement, was hit by a truck Saturday when he ran into traffic, as confirmed by video. He was protesting against an event called “March for Jesus”. In this video, he is seen referring to a Christian flag as a “white supremacist symbol.” The driver of the truck was not connected with the event. [...]

MI5 file on Sir Kingsley Amis

The latest files to be released by the National Archives include one on Kinsgley Amis - the former novelist and critic who was knighted in 1990. Amis was a member of the Communist party while at Oxford university in June 1941, though he renounced Marxism in 1956-7. MI5's monitoring of Amis, which included intercepting letters, collecting news cuttings, keeping an eye on his mistress and talking to people who knew him, covered this same period but continued for another decade after Amis has publicly rejected communism.

DEBATE: The Revolutionary Left vs The Revolutionary Right

Left and Right? It’s a battles of ideas and ideologies that’s still raging…

The following debate took place on on July 8th in a small theater in Manhattan, 2017 between ‘Alt-Right’ personality Augustus Sol Invictus and leftist journalist Caleb Maupin. This event was formally titled, “The Revolutionary Left vs. The Revolutionary Right.” The debate has been a big hit online, and was even promoted by Wikileaks’ founder Julian Assange via Twitter.

‘White Racism’ Courses Being Taught at University

The real goal of Marxist recruiters ​is not to combat racial hatred but to create it. Why? Because the fastest way to destroy Western culture and convert it to the collectivist bee hive advocated by Marx and Lenin is to create hatred and division among all cross-sections of society​: religion, gender, wealth, and race​. It is time to unite in common cause against the greatest discriminator, hater, and destroyer of all time​, collectivism. (Click for full commentary by GE Griffin) [...]

ClandesTime 127 – Arthur Ransome (and Swallows and Amazons)

Arthur Ransome was a well-known children’s author, best known for his series of adventure books beginning with Swallows and Amazons. He was also close friends with the Bolshevik leadership and married Trotsky’s secretary. Meanwhile, he was spying for British intelligence, and being spied on by British intelligence as a suspected Communist.

​Leftist Teacher Attacks Conservative Student on Campus

Tariq Khan, a teacher at the University of Illinois, was arrested after he assaulted a student for saying to him: "Don't you have something else to do? Don't you have kids?" In response, Khan pretended that this statement was a threat against his children, which he then used as justification for his violence. Khan teaches classes titled 'Constructing Race in America' and ‘US Gender History', and has ties to Antifa, a violent, pro-​communist group. [...]

Russia and the United States in 2017: Just which country is commemorating a revolution?

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