
Jordan Peterson, Jung, Freud, Darwin, Debates & the Bible – Jay Dyer & Tim Kelly

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his recent debate and critique of Jordan Peterson and the classical liberal worldview. We also talk about oligarch-backed culture creation and revolution and Jay reflects on his 20 years of research. Jay is the host of Jay’s Analysis , the co-host of Hollywood Decoded, and the author of Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film. *Please consider supporting this program by donating here.

G. Edward Griffin Explains How the Civil Rights Movement Was Used to Promote Goals of Communism

Lenin taught that a culturally unified nation is difficult to topple, so he fractured the culture and divided the people into antagonistic groups: opposing classes, races, religions, etc., culminating in hatred and violence. The Communist Party USA used this strategy during the rise of the civil rights movement, but not one person in a thousand had any idea who was directing the movement.

China Expands Program to Rate Citizen Behavior and Punish Those with Low Scores

Chinese authorities have been using a “social credit” system that rates citizens to determine if they may purchase plane or train tickets. The system rates users on personal characteristics, behavior and preference, social relationships. It draws data from a person's shopping history, use of free time, and complaints from others. It has the appearance of being impartial and based on public demand but, in reality, it is merely a sophisticated method of engineering human behavior.

Dr. Jordan Peterson Critiqued: Classical Liberal Incoherence – Jay Dyer (Half)

Is Dr. Jordan Peterson’s worldview coherent? He is certainly eloquent and forceful when refuting many fallacious arguments from opponents, but has he questioned his presuppositions of classical liberalism? I don’t think he has and in this video we look at the good and the bad in Dr. Peterson’s arguments. The second half covers the ideological trek of how we got to the postmodern stage we are in now from the Middle Ages and is available at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year at the PayPal links.

Short Course on Communist Takeover of the United States

This is a recently discovered excerpt from G. Edward Griffin's 1984 interview with KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov, who explains the four stages of communist strategy for taking over the U.S. from within. It is sobering to realize that stage three is almost complete. Stage Four is martial law from which there is no escape. Americans are running out of time to take the Red Pill. [...]

Kyle Bristow - Legally Fighting Back Against Political Witch Hunts

Kyle Bristow is a Lawyer and the Executive Director of the Foundation For The Marketplace Of Ideas. Kyle earned his juris doctorate from the University of Toledo College of Law, his bachelor of arts degree in international relations from James Madison College of Michigan State University, and his associate degree and certificate in general studies from Macomb Community College. He has provided legal support to many Alt-Right activists.
A video version of this interview is available here.

Trump & Davos – Americanism & The False Libertarian / AltRight Dialectic – Jay Dyer (Half)

In our post-modern world, two contradictory presuppositions dominate: total and all-encompassing relativism and extreme mathematical quantification in terms of technological dominance. Globalism itself is the clearest manifestation of this double-think, with Trump as an icon of both. Corporatism, mammonism and relativism all coalesce into a sodomy-based world order.
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World’s Greatest Philosopher & Logician Refuted & Made Foolish – Jay Dyer (Partial)

Hailed by the establishment for decades as the “greatest modern philosopher in the world” and as the “greatest logician,” we see how paper-thin and easily refuted the theses of Bertrand Russell are. 20 years later Russell penned his “Nobel winning” book Impact of Science on Society that was a rehash of everything in The Scientific Outlook.