chemical weapons

New Report Finds No Trace of Nerve Agent at Site of Suspected Chemical Attack in Syria

A newly published report from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) found no traces of any nerve agent at the site of a suspected chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma. However, mixed messages are being spread as “mainstream” corporate media outlets report that chlorine has been found.

Novichok Part Deux: A Fusion of Media, Government & Military

As if the Skripal Affair was odd and ridiculous enough, this latest chapter in the Novichok thriller series seems even more unlikely and outlandish than its previous iteration. As expected, British officials are all lining-up with official statements of righteous indignation, each blaming Russia for another supposed “chemical attack” on British soil.

UK COLUMN: Novichok Baby Wipes (No, we’re not joking)

We’re told there was another deadly Russian ‘Novichok‘ WMD attack in sleepy Wiltshire, England this week – and the government’s advice: ‘use baby wipes’. All this and more…
UK Column co-anchors Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson joined by analyst Alex Thomson for today’s news round-up from the UK and internationally. Watch:

“Propaganda organization”: White Helmets “engage in anti-Assad activities”

Although some members of the Western-supported White Helmets may be in the business of saving lives, the group is also a “propaganda organization,” author Sy Hersh (Reporter: A Memoir) has told RT’s Going Underground.
The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist also spoke about reporting in the United States and how it changed under the Obama administration, as well as the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, UK.

World Powers Give the OPCW Authority to Assign Blame for Chemical Attacks

(MEE) — The international community on Wednesday voted to boost the powers of the global chemical weapons watchdog to enable it to name those behind toxic arms attacks in Syria, delegations attending the talks said. “The #UK Decision at the @OPCW Conference of State Parties has passed with votes 82 in favour,” the British delegation, which tabled […]

Russia: US-backed Syrian Rebels Preparing Another Chemical Weapons “Provocation” in Syria

The US-backed Free Syrian Army and the US Special Operations Forces are preparing a “chemical weapons” provocation in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzor, Major General Igor Konashenkov said on June 11.
According to Konashenkov, the US-led forces are going to stage a “chemical attack” in the village of Haql al-Jafara to accuse the Syrian government of conducting it. Balloons with chlorine gas are allegedly already delivered to the area.