chemical weapons

US Praises Israeli ‘Restraint’ After It Uses Chemical Weapons on Civilians in Gaza

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — A powerful government’s military unleashed chemical weapons on a crowd of protesters in Gaza this week, but Team America-World Police is nowhere to be found. That’s because the government that launched the attack is Israel’s, and the United States has a habit of ignoring its allies’ crimes and suppressions of dissent. A tear gas […]

Prediction of New False-Flag Gas Attack in Syria Seems to Fit US Escalation Plans

DAMASCUS – Though last month’s unilateral bombing of Syria by the U.S., U.K. and France came and went, the threat of foreign military intervention targeting the Syrian government remains, particularly given Syria’s success in defeating the foreign-funded terrorist proxies that have prolonged the Syrian conflict for seven long years.

The Douma chlorine gas cylinder valves

This is a note on the Douma gas cylinder valves which are obviously important to the Douma investigation. Eliot Higgins, who has put together the helicopter-dropped chlorine bomb narrative, thinks the casings on the gas cylinders are there to support fins to ensure the cylinder lands on the gas valve (he calls it a “pressure […]

A Tool to Combat Washington’s Middle East Wars

The Plot to Attack Iran gives a readable and well-referenced look at Western — especially US — abuse of Iran. The author and human rights lawyer Dan Kovalik presents a concise overview of US imperial conduct since World War II. The book is a reminder, which we need from time to time, of the outrageous hypocrisy and deceit of the US government and the corporate media.