Chemical weapon

Chemical Weapons Hypocrisy: WMD for We But Not For Thee

The French, British and Israeli governments have all accused Syria’s regime of using chemical weapons in its ongoing struggle with foreign-backed rebels. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon is urging Assad to allow UN inspectors into the country to verify or disprove the claims. And US president Barack Obama, while carefully avoiding a direct accusation, has [...]

Avoid Drumbeat to Escalate in Syria

Many politicians in Washington–not yet realizing that the still-broken American economy can no longer sustain an informal, globe-girdling U.S. empire—have sought to use Bashar al-Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons on a small scale to escalate U.S. involvement in the Syrian civil war. And it’s not only the economy that won’t support a more muscular [...]

Obama’s Chemical Weapons ‘Red Line’ Is Even More Propaganda Than You Think

When the news about chemical weapons use in Syria hit the headlines again last week, I wrote that the whole debate on the issue was bogus. I argued that the alleged use of chemical weapons didn’t change the fact that the administration sees war in Syria as too costly and that, in any case, chemical weapons aren’t any different from the conventional military means that have already killed tens of thousands.

Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 28th, 2013

Yes, it is Sunday, and first I want to let everyone know that I am feeling much better today.... Better than I have for the last two weeks.... I have been suffering from a head cold, migraine headaches, body chills, etc... Many of the symptoms of Influenza but without the extra great things that come along with having the Flu itself.... I have noticed that many people have had much the same illness that I have had, and it does make me wonder.... Newsletter | April 26, 2013 Newsletter | April 26, 2013

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This week’s top news:
US: Syria Likely Used Chemical Weapons on ‘Small Scale’: After claims from an Israeli military source, the US now says there is intelligence suggesting with "varying degrees of confidence" chemical weapons were used on a small scale in Syria, crossing Obama’s "red line."