Chemical weapon Newsletter | May 5, 2013


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This week’s top news:
Hagel: US Considering Arming Syria Rebels: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel became the first US official to admit that the administration is "rethinking" its previous decision not to arm Syria’s rebels directly, though he insisted that no decision had been made and this was just one option being considered.

Breaking: Israel claims to have launched an airstrike on Syria 24 hours ago

What to my early morning sleepy eyes appears? Breaking news of Israel claiming and the US confirming an airstrike took place between Thursday and Friday. That means 24 hours ago...Did the strike really take place?And if so why didn't Israel or the US mention it yesterday?Haven't had enough time to dig in or digest, but, a round up of news stories is linked below:Israel confirms strike on Syria targeted weapons : Destroyed 'game-changing' shipment of missiles