Laurence Fink: The Trillion-Dollar Deadhead
The secret of great fortunes without apparent cause is a crime forgotten, for it was properly done.
— Honoré de Balzac, Le Père Goriot, 1835
The secret of great fortunes without apparent cause is a crime forgotten, for it was properly done.
— Honoré de Balzac, Le Père Goriot, 1835
The Wall Street cheerleaders at CNBC would like you to think 2017 is going to be another great year for stick investors. I’m less certain and, in fact, scheduled a meeting with my financial advisor to discuss just that. The market seems dangerously inflated to me. And it looks to me like the pros are sucking in the buy-high/sell-low crowd now, in preparation for a… correction.
« Je les connais, les banquiers de Goldman Sachs ! Ils exercent un contrôle total sur Hillary Clinton ! » Donald Trump n’avait pas de mots assez durs, au printemps dernier, pour dénoncer à bon droit les liens étroits unissant la candidate démocrate aux dirigeants de la puissante banque d’affaires Goldman Sachs.
Goldman Sachs COO Gary Cohn talks on the phone as he waits for the start of a meeting with President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower, Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016, in New York. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
WASHINGTON — In the heat of the presidential campaign, Donald Trump accused primary rival Ted Cruz of being controlled by Goldman Sachs because his wife, Heidi, previously worked for the Wall Street giant. He slammed Hillary Clinton for receiving speaking fees from the bank.
(This piece originally appeared in Tom Dispatch / December 8, 2016)
The presstitute media delivered the false news, not from Russian propaganda websites such as the Washington Post accuses this one of being, but from Obama’s US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The false news is that the collapsing economy continues to boom with 178,000 new jobs in November and a further fall in the rate of unemployment to 4.6%.
What are the facts? Nothing you will ever hear from the presstitutes or the corrupt Obama regime.
Steve Bannon, campaign CEO for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, right, looks on during a national security meeting with advisors at Trump Tower, Friday, Oct. 7, 2016, in New York. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
Published in partnership with Shadowproof.