
Larry Elder’s surge in California brings out the race baiters [Video]

The race-baiting wave of 2020-2021 took a slightly unusual turn over the weekend when a Los Angeles Times opinion writer named Erika D. Smith published two pieces about the California recall gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder. She leads off her articles with these headlines: Larry Elder draws fire for N-word comedy clip Column: Larry Elder is the […]

Victim Mentality & The Law of Attraction

Sometimes we get stuck on the “hamster wheel” of negativity and feel like we are a victim of circumstances. This week Vanessa & Danny talk about how we can take our power back! is an educational blog featuring news, DIY tutorials, commentary and essays on topics related to exercising personal sovereignty while living in a […]

White Supremacy is more deadly than COVID-19. Who knew? [Video]

Yes, we wrote about this before, in a recent piece entitled “Coronavirus not dangerous – if you are leftist protesting racism.” Most folks appear to be unaware of this piece, and that is fine. Sometimes a snappy headline draws more clicks. But, the funny thing is that this statement was supposed to be snark, illustrating how idiotic the motivation behind the race rioting is.

Is nouveau racism righteous retribution or just insanity? [Video]

We know that nouveau racism has been on the rise in America, even though no one calls it by this name.
What is it? Nouveau racism is racism. However, it is that racism which is embraced by “minority” groups, like African-Americans, Latin-Americans, feminists, and any group that is not the target group of their invective: the European-originated, white, Christian male.
Tucker Carlson gives a solid introduction to this topic in his own words in his reflection about one of America’s leaders in the crusade of identity politics, Stacey Y. Abrams.