Munich’s March to War with Russia

Vice President Joe Biden shames the office he holds. He's a caricature of a high US official and then some.
"Europe is the cornerstone of US engagement around the world," he said. Code language for US-dominated NATO global aggression.
Russia bashing followed. Biden lied claiming Moscow aims "to redraw the map of Europe by force." Seeks "to divide Ukraine between east and west."
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The UK Nuclear Nightmare: An Awakening

At last the Armageddon nightmare which is the existence of nuclear arsenals is exploding into the  UK’s political consciousness. At last the magical word ‘deterrent’ which is supposed to automatically kill dissent is being examined and unmasked as the delusion by which the paranoid silence that still small voice, the voice which says it is a crime against humanity to prepare to incinerate a large part of the world’s population and risk triggering a global nuclear war.

Assemblies can put real democracy on the map

While the crisis within ruling circles mounts – the New York Times asks “Is Democracy Dead?” – anger is mounting where it really counts, among the majority. People’s aspirations for a democracy that provides more than an occasional vote is growing into an irresistible force.
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Zombie Country

Britain is now a zombie country – not so much a country of zombies, but a zombie itself. A zombie is a dead thing that doesn’t know it’s dead, but which is still capable of being controlled by evil wizards to wreak havoc. You can’t rescue zombies because you can’t bring dead things back to life; you can only render their controllers harmless, let the corpse finally rest in peace, and then begin again by creating new life, starting from scratch. And that’s exactly what we’ve got to do: start again, from scratch.

Conundrum: Syriza, Democracy, and the Death of a Saudi Tyrant

It’s always a tricky moment for the corporate media when a foreign leader dies. The content and tone need to be appropriate, moulded to whether that leader fell into line with Western policies or not. Thus, when Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez died in 2013, conventional coverage strongly suggested he had been a dangerous, quasi-dictatorial, loony lefty.

Why North London Hospice should keep its word and pull out of workfare

Last year 900,000 claimants were sanctioned and lost all benefits for four weeks or more, resulting in rent arrears, hunger, a reliance on food banks and all manner of detrimental physical and mental health conditions culminating, tragically, for some, in well-documented cases of suicide and death by other causes
The post Why North London Hospice should keep its word and pull out of workfare appeared first on BSNEWS.

Statement from the Aylesbury Estate Occupation

The Aylesbury Estate is where Tony Blair made his first speech as Prime Minister in 1997, making empty promises about social housing. Since then, for the past 18 years, Southwark Council and their developer friends have come up with one misguided scheme after another. All with the same result: to dispossess the residents, demolish their homes, and dispose of the land.
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