THE THING - Analyse d'un Chef-d'oeuvre
Analyse de THE THING de John Carpenter (1982) par Frédéric Chambon. Explication et théorie de la conclusion et fin du film.
Analyse de THE THING de John Carpenter (1982) par Frédéric Chambon. Explication et théorie de la conclusion et fin du film.
In this lecture, I cover the many notes from the classic scholarly work from Jaroslav Pelikan, Emergence of the Cath0lic Tradition, vol. 1. Pelikan’s history of the development of ideas is a standard work for historical theology and provides an excellent introduction to the first 6 centuries of the Chrlstian Church, the major heresies, the Creed and Trinity, Nicaea and more! The second half is for paid subscribers to JaysAnalysis.
#startrek #hollywood #movies In this latest film analysis, I cover the hidden themes and messages behind Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
#gameofthrones #gameofthronesseason8 #GoT What is the deeper message of Game of Thrones? Does Martin have an insight into geopolitics? Do we see a connection between the thrones in the series and real-world intrigue? What are we longing for in a demythologized world that GoT has tapped into? Is there an esoteric significance?
#terminator #arnoldschwarzenneger #skynet Jefferson and I discuss the first three Terminator films, analyzing the intense preditive progggramingz and the multitudinous bizarre symbols and tranzhumanist preparations as well as SKynett.
Hello freedom and peace lovers! I am excited to announce a new series of articles and videos I am publishing next Saturday, called Agora-Rising. In this series, I will be going deeper into effective non-political strategies for creating the change you wish to see in the world. This includes the economic methods of agorism, building […]
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