perception management

US May Strike “ISIS” in the Philippines. China/Philippines Joint Resource Exploration.

US May Strike “ISIS” in the Philippines.  Before we get to the very interesting news regarding China/ Philippines Joint South China Sea Development we'll read the news regarding the decision making for the desired attack on the Philippines that may take place as early as tomorrow.

Blistering Heat Wave Ontario, Canada !!!!

July 1936, that is! Mercury 101.3 Fahrenheit/38.5 C - not including the humidity As is always the case now- Cause that's how you present temperatures as hotter then they really are.Temps as high as 103 F or 39.5 C.In 1936. Before the industrial revolution. Before mass produced automobiles on the scale of our modern day. And only a fraction of the population

Al Gore: "Truth to Power" - Carrying Propaganda to the Great Unconscious

 I'm dedicating this to Al Gore:Al Gore- Truth to Power. Really? Yup, Truth to Power! Al Gore & Truth to Power??I'm scratchin' my head! That title, alongside the very concept of Al Gore speaking truth to power, is preposterous. And yet many people will be enamoured of this very idea. Choosing to ignoring the FACT that Al Gore has long been a part of the very power problem the rest of us have had to deal with. The very idea/ concept of Gore as a speaker of “Truth to Power” is so absurd.

Kurdish Autonomy: Recognizing the Annexation of Syria


Salah Eldin Bilal referred to the de facto autonomous region of Syrian Kurdistan, also known as Rojava, originating in and consisting of three self-governing cantons in northern Syria, namely Afrin Canton, Jazira Canton and Kobanî Canton.

He further said that the de facto autonomy of this region still needs to gain international recognition.