perception management

Putin: Turkey Will Not Yield to US Bullying on S-400 Purchase

Putin did not use the word "bully" I did for my headline, cause I like it! It's so very topical,  popular and  so easily understandable :)Press TVReaders here know I can’t abide by out of context quoting, therefore, I’m enjoying the inclusion of the full context of Putin’s statement, provided by Press TV, below:

Life Sentence for “pure evil” acid attacker

This was not my intended post for today, however, it was one that really needed much more attention. For the reasons that will be explained below. This is a news story that you are most probably completely unaware of. I stumbled across it quite accidentally. The perpetrator and the victim are not quite ‘push the agenda’ right. The crime just doesn’t fit the present day meme pushing undertaken in order to manage your perception. More commonly we see this type of story getting global coverage if it fits these acceptable stereotypes

Likud MK Pushes Israel to Recognize Kurdistan as Independent

'Cause when you just wanna get along with your neighbours taking every action to antagonize them makes perfect sense..... not! As US Congressman DeSantis pushes for the recognition of Syria’s Golan as Israeli territory we have an Israeli MK pushing for Israel to recognize Kurdistan as an "independent" state. Can anyone deny that the US and Israel are being intentionally provocative pushing these concepts? It seems to me neither the US or Israel are hiding their desire for a regional war.The move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem was a provocation

Oil Is The Enabler of Military Power

It is incorrect to say that oil is an unimportant reason to wage war - It may not be the only reason, but, it is an extremely important reason  for understanding why wars are fought.  Controlling access or denying access to oil is something that's been discussed at the blog. There is a vicious circle of needing oil to wage war- waging war to access oil. While all  along the way- profits are made. And most pathetically a free pass is given by the AGW cult to the war machine every single day-