
Counteracting ‘Daesh’: Lessons from Paris

As Baghdad reels from a wave of suicide bombings claimed by Islamist extremists which have killed and wounded over 400 in the past week, there are lessons to be learned from how the media deals with these terror attacks – whether they are in the Middle East or in the heart of Europe.
Semantics and social media narratives are crucial battlegrounds in the war against terrorism.

Do You Realize What You Have Done: Brussels Bombing in Context

Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life. I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done? -Vladimir Putin addressing the United Nations in September 2015. … Continue reading Do You Realize What You Have Done: Brussels Bombing in Context

PARIS ATTACKS Revisited: ‘Eagles of Death Metal’ Frontman Hints at Inside-Job…

There is of course already plenty of evidence and logic to suggest the terrorist attacks in Paris in November last year were a staged, false-flag operation. That likelihood was evident pretty much straight away, within literally an hour or two of the news breaking. The case for Paris having been a stage-managed false-flag operation has […]

Who organised the attacks of January and November 2015 in Paris?

New information, published by the Croatian daily Slobodna Dalmacija, alleges that the French state was responsible for the attacks which occurred in Paris in January and November 2015. Either the French authorities had previously infiltrated the groups which perpetrated these attacks, and chose not to intervene to prevent them, or else they were directly implicated in the organisation of the attacks.

In and After Paris: A Climate Justice Agenda

Cultural pessimists don’t see much they like at the Paris climate talks. Skepticism at times like these is nearly always justified. At the same time, it may be that Paris was a minute improvement — on some issues — upon the previous gatherings of elected officials, diplomats, corporate hacks, activists, celebrities, and media that constitute these annual circuses. And it’s likely that the angry and energized climate justice movement is primed to pressure the big polluters like never before. No, the glass is not half full.