Mind & Body

Another Study Proves This Simple Activity Rejuvenates the Brain

There is already a bevy of studies that prove spending time in nature has amazing health benefits. Spending micro-breaks outdoors can rejuvenate the brain. Kids who spend more time in green spaces have elevated cognitive functioning on tests and also enjoy lower stress levels. The list of ways that Mother Nature nurtures our minds is growing, with a study from last year addeing to the multitude of positive benefits we get from spending time outdoors.

Study Says Acetaminophen ‘Not Clinically Effective’ for Osteoarthritis Pain

A new study reveals that some popular over-the-counter pain relievers may not be an effective solution for those battling with osteoarthritis. A study published in The Lancet found that paracetamol, known as acetaminophen, or Tylenol in the United States, is not effective at reducing pain or improving movement in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and hip.

This Simple Activity Offers Surprising Health Benefits

Have you ever thought about the potential health benefits of knitting or crocheting? Maybe sitting down to knit some mittens doesn’t seem like the most earth-shattering way to boost your health, but it’s certainly a relaxing one!
Many studies have found evidence that knitting or crocheting can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and even improve memory and brain function as we age. Even the immune system can be boosted by knitting, and studies show we feel more relaxed and upbeat. Why is this so?

Video: The TRUTH About Christmas, Holidays, and Giving

Have you ever wished that every day could be like Christmas, with everyone enjoying the ‘Christmas spirit’ all year-round? Why is it that we use the holiday season as a reason for being especially giving and cheerful, when in fact this is the way we should strive to be every single day?
In this video, I break down the truth about Christmas and all holidays, explaining how the holiday spirit should extend to all 365 days of the year.

Video: The #1 ‘Mind Trick’ to Achieve Your Goals

The sad reality is that many people fail to achieve their goals. Whether it’s a mission to shed 10 pounds, or change your career path, many of us continually fail to ‘follow through’ on these self-promises. Thankfully, there are ways to ‘hack’ your mind and set yourself up to succeed in following these goals.
Here’s my #1 ‘mind trick’ to help you do so:

The Essential Oils that can Naturally Help Heal Brain Injuries

It’s quite true that aromatherapy can penetrate deeper into the tissues than many other healing modalities. Because they are inhaled through the nose, essential oils will efficiently pass through the blood brain barrier in the area surrounding the olfactory nerve. This makes them very serious contenders as natural healers for brain injuries and more.