Debate Intro: Classical Theist / Jay Dyer on Palamas & Aquinas & ADS 2PM EST LIVE
Classical Theist has agreed to come on to begin our debate on the issue of the essence-energy distinction and the uncreated energies of God, contrasted with the Thomistic and later Roman-defined doctrine of absolute simplicity.
Debate: Paganism Vs Orthodoxy – Jay Dyer / Boglord Dave
An impromptu debate over the question of the Neo-pagan revival. Our debate revolves the question of whether paganism and in his case, Asatru, are objectively true and can be proven in terms of logical, rational and philosophical discourse. How are claims justified? What is a universal claim? How is it justified? Is logic just a word trick? His channel is here.
I Am That I Am, Essence-Energy, St. Athanasius & Wandering Bishop Sedevacantist Cults – Jay Dyer
I will be covering the ridiculous accusation that St Athanasius taught absolute divine simplicity as illustrated from the definitive Fr Florovsky paper on the subject, analyzing De Decretis, and looking again at the theophanies and how Triadology developed from St Athanasius to St Basil in letters 38 and 234, to St Maximos and the 6th Council, into St. John of Damascus and the Confession of St. Sophronius and into the medieval Orthodox councils that define eternal manifestation as binding and how this is admitted in the Vatican Clarification on the Filioque.
Honest liberal says he is NOT INTERESTED in policy explanation [Video]
One characteristic of modern-day television “news reporting” is that the political news is not truly reported. Rather, if the interviewer disagrees with the one being interviewed, the session turns into interviewer grandstanding. Regrettably, this tactic is used by liberal and conservative journalists alike. However, it is usually not admitted, as the interviewer usually chooses to say things like “I want the truth” when he or she really wants to force the other person to admit the correctness of the interviewer.
Glass, True Detective Season 3 Analysis, Lords of Chaos – Jay Dyer + Boiler Room
#glass #truedetective #split
The crew gathers to discuss the latest news and the top film, the latest in the Shyamalan trilogy. True Detective Season 3 and its connections to earlier seasons and subtle themes, the FrankKlin cover – up, the metal mayhem movie Lords of Chaos, the Sattanic panic and much more!
Jordan Peterson, Transcendental Arguments, Atheism & Esoteric Hollywood – Jay Dyer/Danny Roddy
Danny Roddy invited me on his channel/podcast to discuss my work. We cover the Cold War, the CIA and Hollywood, my books and debates and talks, the writings of Salk and Brzezinski, process philosophy and Hegel, and much more!
AV9 Conference – Jay Dyer – Hollywood Trans-Humanism Rise of the Machines
A fatter me from a year ago! Only posted a few days ago, it’s garnering a popular view count. This video/DVD can be purchased at the AV 9 website.
Horrifying New York abortion law marks big Democrat push in US
To some nations in the world, the United States may appear to be overly “conservative” or “backwards” regarding its general position on abortion. Russia, China, Canada, and Australia all allow this practice in generally unrestricted terms. Europeans are generally allowing of first trimester abortions. Social attitudes about the practice vary, with Sweden being the most permissive in terms of attitude, but Russia being the place where a woman is most likely to have had an abortion.
Annihilation (2018) Fully Decoded – Jay Dyer
The 2018 film by Alex Garland bears remarkable similarity to his previous film Sunshine from a decade ago, where a team of scientists attempts to re-ignite the sun. Here, a team of scientists and specialists investigates a mysterious “shimmer” that has appeared near a state park where previous teams have disappeared. The film has generated much speculation, with comparisons to Kubrick: I will take you deep into the film’s symbolism and mythological context.
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