Can Donald Trump trust the Secret Service to keep him safe?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodies is a Latin phrase meaning, who will guard the guards? Much has been said about Trump’s need to ‘watch his back’ do to his high level enemies in the deep state. As with many other solutions Trump has found in order to help go directly to the people rather than rely on mainstream media, similar methods can be used and ought to be explored when it comes to providing Trump’s personal security.

Where is the Digital Watergate Anti-Trump Propaganda Campaign Going?

By Daniel Espinosa Winder
The Russians are coming! Once again, the structural bias of the American news media in favor of the ‘official version’ turns them into a propaganda tool. Intelligence sources point out Russian interference in recent elections. However, WikiLeaks-related sources say the Democratic Party’s mail leak was the working of a whistle-blower within that institution.

Esoteric Hollywood: CIA, CFR, Castro & Cuba – Dialectical Psy Ops Vid (Half)

In this latest installment, I consider the polarizing figure of Fidel Castro in relation to the numerous tales of CIA subterfuge and “assassination attempts,” as well as the larger picture of how the CIA works under the CFR to control Latin America, and thus how Latin American operations are a microcosm of how the rest of the sectors are managed – from the Middle East to Eurasia.  Purchase his books here.

James Ellroy’s “American Tabloid” – Film, Literature and the New World Order

This month on Film, Literature and the New World Order, James is joined by Prof CJ of the Dangerous History podcast to explore James Ellroy’s “American Tabloid.” What do you get when you have a novel with fictional FBI/CIA/Mafia/Anti-Castro Cuban stooges embroiled in a years-long mess that ends up with the assassination of the president? A more plausible scenario than 99% of the documentaries and books out there on the subject, that’s what. Find out more in this edition of FLNWO.