Climate Facts or Leaps of Faith? Governments Can’t Tell the Difference
We have no hard evidence of a crisis. Only expert opinion and best estimates.
We have no hard evidence of a crisis. Only expert opinion and best estimates.
21WIRE | 'We are getting towards the end of the warm period - and we are heading for the next inevitable ice age.'
Chemist William Moomaw has never won a Nobel Prize. But advertisements for his speaking engagements say otherwise.
By Vijay Jayaraj | Watts Up With That? | July 15, 2020
The United States is the only major Western country that is not part of the Paris climate agreement, which seeks to restrict and reduce fossil fuel consumption across the world. But the country is not immune from the impacts of the restrictive energy policies the agreement imposes on its trade partners. One of those is my own country, India.
By David Wojick, Ph.D. | PA Pundits – International | March 21, 2020
I recently got an intriguing email from Professor Guus Berkhout, president of the Climate Intelligence Foundation or CLINTEL. It contained this striking paragraph and the last sentence really got me thinking:
By Robert Bradley Jr. – Master Resource – February 25, 2020
“The pseudo-intellectual right loves to compare climate concern and action with Malthusianism. I’ve never quite understood what the heck these things have in common.” (Jerry Taylor, October 13, 2019)
Journalists spent years falsely calling the IPCC chairman a Nobel laureate and the world's 'top climate scientist.'
Philip Munday's work falls to pieces whenever someone tries to verify it.