Green Energy Trade Show Hires Fake Nobel Laureate
A press release issued this week falsely describes economist Woodrow Clark as a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
A press release issued this week falsely describes economist Woodrow Clark as a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
By Donald C. Morton | Watts Up With That? | February 17, 2014
Herzberg Program in Astronomy and Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada
Chris Field - the head of the UN climate panel's Working Group 2 - thinks the world "is staring down the barrel of climate change."
15 months ago, it was a sin to declare out loud that the global temperature was no longer rising. Today, the IPCC, the UK Met office, and mainstream researchers are all admitting the obvious.
By James F. Tracy | Global Research | January 31, 2014
Today a good deal of what qualifies as propaganda is much more subtle than overt. When an entire civilization or way of life is to be significantly altered the tried-and-true method of “repeating a lie until it becomes truth” needs to be done over a period of many years and in a multitude of varying ways to take hold and change the very assumptions and beliefs of a people.
By Judith Curry | Climate Etc. | January 16, 2014
The hearing is now concluded, I’m on a plane flying back to Atlanta.
A bona fide climate scientist tells US Senators we have no idea whether human-caused global warming will be a serious problem. The media doesn't report it.
Why doesn't the World Wildlife Fund argue for its vision based solely on that vision's merits?
My first thoughts about the climate change debate were written five years ago today.
At the heart of the climate change movement is the belief that we will be punished for our sins.