Green Party

We Won the Write-in! Let’s have a debate!

Our democracy is based on GOTV, Getting Out The Vote, and we did it! Most of the grand total of 5,239 write-in votes went to cartoon characters, dogs, or others who did not do the paperwork. Of those who did become “qualified” write-in candidates, I received 832 votes, followed by a Republican with 178 votes, Libertarian 39, No Party Preference 26, and American Independent 3.

We Won the Write-in! Let’s have a debate!

Our democracy is based on GOTV, Getting Out The Vote, and we did it! Most of the grand total of 5,239 write-in votes went to cartoon characters, dogs, or others who did not do the paperwork. Of those who did become “qualified” write-in candidates, I received 832 votes, followed by a Republican with 178 votes, Libertarian 39, No Party Preference 26, and American Independent 3.

What’s Wrong in Washington

When it comes to Congress, polls show an odd fact: Congress as a whole has a very low approval rating, and yet people in congressional districts across the country approve of their own representative. This creates a huge incumbent advantage. In Congressperson Barbara Lee’s district, no one else even tried. Her name will be the only name on the June primary ballot. On the November ballot, however, there will be two candidates, and one of them could be Green!

What’s Wrong in Washington

When it comes to Congress, polls show an odd fact: Congress as a whole has a very low approval rating, and yet people in congressional districts across the country approve of their own representative. This creates a huge incumbent advantage. In Congressperson Barbara Lee’s district, no one else even tried. Her name will be the only name on the June primary ballot. On the November ballot, however, there will be two candidates, and one of them could be Green!

Tucker Carlson asks Jill Stein point blank: “Are you a Russian agent?” (Video)

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