Why Do People Willingly Sacrifice Their Freedom for the Illusion of Security?
Dr Joseph Mercola | Thoughts and strategies on how to break mass formation and prevent totalitarianism.
Dr Joseph Mercola | Thoughts and strategies on how to break mass formation and prevent totalitarianism.
Academy of Ideas | During times of crisis, the individual mind and soul are under siege. How does one survive in tact?
Peter Koenig | Medical Martial Law is now being implemented across most the world, but most of the public have no idea. Is it too late to reverse the global coup?
21WIRE | Malthusian predictions of over-population have been repeatedly over-exaggerated, as evidenced by this latest news out of Asia.
In this video I do an overview analysis of the recent NAT0 Psy0ps document concerning mind control and cognitive warfare. From MindWar to PsyWar took psy ops to a new level with the targeting focusing on tech and human biology, while this new document ups the ante to cover the changing of the human and […]
The post Great Reset & Psychological Warfare / Cognitive Warfare appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.
21WIRE | Warning the world that a global coup is currently underway, waged by powerful financial and ideological actors.
SUNDAY SCREENING | The road to global totalitarianism has been laid before our feet.
This obscure and overlooked document contains a powerful open declaration of war against the masses on the part of the corporate elite. Originating in 1954, the document was discovered in 1986 and outlines the strategy of economic takeover through systems analysis. Remember to boost that T naturally with 60% all products at Choq.com using […]
"Beaucoup se demandent quand les choses reviendront à la normale. La réponse est courte : jamais". Voilà comment le président du Forum économique mondial, Klaus Schwab, a présenté le fameux "monde d'après" dont tout le monde rêve, il est sous nos yeux... L'invité de "Politique & Eco", le juriste Marc-Gabriel Draghi qualifie ce nouveau monde ainsi : une domestication des masses combinée à une destruction des structures indépendantes par une soviétisation de (...)
"Beaucoup se demandent quand les choses reviendront à la normale. La réponse est courte : jamais". Voilà comment le président du Forum économique mondial, Klaus Schwab, a présenté le fameux "monde d'après" dont tout le monde rêve, il est sous nos yeux... L'invité de "Politique & Eco", le juriste Marc-Gabriel Draghi qualifie ce nouveau monde ainsi : une domestication des masses combinée à une destruction des structures indépendantes par une soviétisation de (...)